Health and its social determinants

  • The mother has to be in the position most comfortable for her – sitting/lying down doesn’t matter.
  • The milk that comes first is the foremilk – it is more watery and helps to quench thirst so if baby is just thirsty, it will be satisfied with foremilk. The milk that comes later is thicker and more rich, so that will help if baby is hungry. Make sure to feed the baby from one breast. Don’t keep shifting from one to another. Milk is not stored in the breast. It gets produced as the baby suckles based on the milk ejection reflex.
  • Don’t hold baby and try to turn baby towards you. Gently stimulate near baby’s mouth with the nipple, the baby will automatically turn towards the breast. Baby will automatically open its mouth.
  • Latching means you make sure the baby’s mouth is round the areola (Dark part around the nipple). This will stimulate milk production without causing pain to the mother. If mother feels pain, then milk flow wont be so good.
  • After baby feeds, keep her/him upright and gently stroke back so that baby burps.
  • Make sure baby is immunised and has regular weight monitoring and mom gets enough nutrition and rest. You absolutely don’t need anything other than breast milk for the baby till six months. You can feed the baby as long as you want.
  • Baby should be breastfed within half hour after birth unless mum has had a caesarean in which case –at the earliest.
  • The colostrum, or watery yellow liquid as soon as baby is born is filled with immunoglobulins so very good for the baby.
  • Feed baby on demand – there is no need for fixed hours/timings.
  • There is no need for any other liquid/powder/water for a baby till six months. After that you can start on home made complementary foods. Happy bonding !!

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