Health and its social determinants

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Image courtesy: Satwik Gade

INDIA : Cow Vigilante is condemned by Food Rights Activists Kolkatta (CNUA)

Around 400 Food right activists who gathered for their State Rigt to Food Convention at Badu in Madhyam Gram condemn Cow Vigilante of the Right wing Hindu activists in many parts of India.

The Food Rights Activists lamented on how the leaders using religion for Political gains. Shri Harsh Mander, former Commissioner to the Supreme Court of India, noted the politics of hate which has become dominant voice in the largest democracies of the world, the USA and India.
Leaders of similar nature in both countries were trying to create a situation where those in majority were being told that those in minority were responsible for their woes. The strong were being encouraged to suppress the weak.

On the first day, Dr. Binayak Sen noted human rights activist said that the government provides only carbohydrates in its rationing system and feeding schemes. No proteins or fat, which are the main source of malnourishment in our country, are being given. Displaying Thala Bajao Andalan Jothi said, ‘We understand that the Right to Food and Work has to go beyond and look at people’s control over natural resources, including land”. He was especially concerned by the Governments grabbing of natural resources, especially fertile agricultural land, in the name of so-called development.

At the backdrop of the Farmers protesting in New Delhi, and of scores of formers committing suicide all over India, the convention demanded immediate action from the Govt. They also condemned the attack on their right to choose the food they eat. In the name of gauraksha and vegetarianism, not only are diets being dictated, but people are even being killed..! They condemned the attack on democratic rights and freedom of people that is increasingly affecting our rights to food and work.

The Campaign demands that the production of food must be given first priority in the use of land; and that the Government must give full and unstinted support to farmers and agriculture; The Campaign demands that a decent wage, guaranteed work and the right to organise be ensured for all working people; The Campaign opposes mandatory Aadhar linkage in all social sector schemes that are for the benefit of the public; The Campaign demands universal coverage for all people in schemes providing food, work and social security benefits. The members resolved to organise a demonstration at the KhadyaBhawan on 27th April 2017 to highlight their problems with the implementation of NFSA

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